For me, SWAT Fuel products were the supplements that I needed. I had tried powder mixes, liquids and pills from other companies and, while I really wanted them to work, I never was able to realize any true benefit. I suppose that’s why I drug my feet with SWAT Fuel.
Self Defense Articles
Home Invasion: Where Should you Secure your Firearm?
A nanny cam recorded the vicious and brutal attack including the screams of the terrified woman. Her daughter sat frozen in fear as her mother was pummel, choked and slammed around the house.
Confessions of a .40 (Cal) Lover
I felt like Ralphie must have when he got the Daisy Red Ryder BB gun. I was proud of my gun and I was not shy about telling folks about it. It was beautiful. I opened the black plastic container and there it was, a Glock 23 chambered in .40 Smith&Wesson. (Glock does not like to advertise for their competition so the actual packaging read “.40SW”) The calendar and the blowing drifts of snow in Northeast Ohio indicated that it was December, more specifically Christmas of 1993. My new bride had just presented me with my gift. Although the official Glock timeline states that production of the Glock 22 and 23 began at their South American plant in 1990, the…
Never Throw the First Punch: the Failed Strategy of Defense
Never throw the first punch and Fire only if fired upon are two pieces of pseudo-tactical advice thrown out so often that people now merely parrot the phrases without ever thinking about what they mean.
You Cannot “Stand with France” but, Here is What you Can Do.
At this very moment in time, United States citizens have been blessed by providence with the opportunity to make a choice. You can choose to prepare your mind and body for the eventual battle with the cult of death or you can choose to simply ignore the mountain of evidence to the contrary and sing a happy tune until the blade is put to your neck.
Uncomfortable Truth, Cold and Timid Souls
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena,
WDBJ Roanoke Double-Homicide and the Perfect Victim
(*CAUTION: Those with an inability to be intellectually honest or who have been infected with cognitive dissonance may not be able to handle that which is written below. You have been warned.) First and foremost, this horrific criminal act was committed by a deranged piece of human filth. The creature was a verminous reprobate who does not deserve nor will he receive name recognition here. The subject, we’ll call him “Excrement”, premeditated the attack and was apparently consumed with anger, self-pity, and fully immersed in the victim culture. Excrement went so far as to write a rambling manifesto of sorts, detailing his angst and feeling of victimization. Within 24 hours the entire nation, at least those who cared to know, had enough…
3 Methods to Prevent Your Son From Becoming a Pussy
Coddling your sons, attempting to shield them from all that is rough, ugly, and dangerous is the greatest form of child abuse you can inflict. I’m not telling you to name the poor kid “Sue”, but stop treating your sons like fragile little babies.
Did Gaston Glock Invent the Negligent Discharge?
“Those guns and just unsafe, you’ll never convince me otherwise.” so said a retired police officer during a recent conversation.
4 Steps to Carrying a Full-Size Pistol Every Day
Many years ago my friend Walter Rauch (former Secret Service agent and one of the founders of IDPA) opined that American men like to “talk .45’s, shoot 9mm’s and carry .38s.”