Breaking: BATFE set to Expand NFA 1934



BREAKING:  BATFE set to Expand NFA 1934

Inside sources who wish to remain nameless have reported that the BATFE is preparing to announce a new memorandum that will broaden and redefine the National Firearms Act of 1934. Confidential informants state that after much consideration, ATF officials have concluded that further, more detailed guidelines must be put in place to determine what is and is not a “destructive device” or a “NFA” regulated item.

Based upon the fact that the NFA gave them the authority to define with is and is not a firearm, what is and is not a destructive device, what is and is not a handgun, shotgun, or long gun, and what is “Any Other Weapon”, more detailed classifications are necessary.

Given their authority to define and authorize minimum barrel length, as well as minimum overall length for rifles and shotguns, the new memorandum will add a “minimum weight” classification to all firearms. Any firearms deemed to fall below the minimum weight standard will defacto become NFA items and require registration and tax stamp applications. No grandfather clause will be allowed.  One supervising agent working on the new memorandum stated,

“Since the original NFA 34 went into effect, manufacturers have been using new components, such as aluminum and polymer, to reduce the overall weight of firearms. This drastic reduction in weight could not have been anticipated in 1934. Light-weight guns are much easier for criminals to carry concealed on their bodies and lighter guns translate to terrorists being able to carry more ammunition for the same weight.

Not to mention the fact that plastic and aluminum are used to defeat metal detectors. Having considered all of the previous information, the ATF will institute minimum weight requirements for all handguns, rifles and shotguns in order to bring them into compliance with the spirit of the law.”

Memorandum Details

To further elaborate, insiders have informed us that firearms in common use in 1934 will be used as the standard. In addition to the terms “Short-barrel Rifle” SBR and “Short-barreled Shotgun” SBS, a new official term “Light-weight Gun” LWG will be added to the NFA 1934 list of definitions.

All firearms will be required to meet the weight standard in original factory condition without ammunition or any magazine or accessory attached. Effective the moment the memorandum is filed, the following minimum weight standards will be applied:

All handguns must meet the M1911A1 weight standard (Colt Mfg)

All handguns must meet the M1911A1 weight standard (Colt Mfg)

Handguns – Colt M1911A1  2.4 pounds (empty / no magazine)

Manually-loaded Rifles –  Springfield M1903 8.7 pounds (empty)

Self-loading Rifles – Thompson M1928A1  10.8 pounds (empty / no magazine)

Shotguns – Winchester Model 1897  7.94 pounds (empty)

Ownership, Possession, and Registration

All weights will be calculated at Sea Level standard. BATFE field agents will be instructed to use calibrated United States Postal Service scales. Any firearm found to be under the minimum weight standard as set forth by memorandum shall be immediately forfeit and confiscated by ATF personnel.

Possession of an unregistered LWG is a felony offense identical to that of illegal possession of an SBR. Owners of LWG items at date of memorandum will have ninety (90) days from said date to register said items or surrender them to a regional office of the BATFE or other Federal law enforcement agency.

M1928A1, the new weight standard for self-loading rifles. (Thompson Mfg)

M1928A1, the new weight standard for self-loading rifles. (Thompson Mfg)


Okay, you got me, this is a farcical article, a lampoon if you will. However, I must ask you, how many of you believed or still believe that this is possible? I know many out there are yelling at their phones or computers saying how “stupid” or “ridiculous” is the idea of the ATF instituting a minimum weight standard for guns. Sometimes you need to illustrate absurdity by being absurd.

Throughout the entire history of the United States of America up to 1934, the length of a firearm was determined by the engineers at the manufacturer. Barrel length was based upon performance desires and practically. Then one day, a newly form government tax collection agency got together around a table. Government bureaucrats arbitrarily decided what minimum barrel length a rifle and shotgun could have as well as the overall length.  A sixteen inch rifle barrel is safe for the peasants to have, but a 15 inch rifle barrel makes the gun insanely dangerous and it must be registered and regulated. Ditto for the shotgun, a 17 inch shotgun barrel turns the gun into a hyper-lethal death machine.

Let us be serious for a moment. What legal precedent is there to prevent such a far-fetched idea as minimum weight from becoming reality? The National Firearms Act of 1934 gives carte blanche freedom to the ATF to define what is a legally owned firearm, what is an NFA item, and what is a Destructive Device. The precedent for overreach was set long ago. For example, if you put a ten dollar plastic foregrip on a pistol the gun is magically transformed into an “AOW” by ATF standards. That piece of plastic somehow turns the gun into a super killer death machine.

The LCR by Ruger uses polymer and aluminum, classifying it as a Light-weight Gun/LWG (Sturm, Ruger Mfg)

The LCR uses polymer and aluminum, classifying it as a Light-weight Gun/LWG (Sturm, Ruger Mfg)

In 1994 the BATFE “ruled” that the USAS-12, Striker 12, and Street Sweeper 12 gauge shotguns were all “destructive devices” and thereby prohibited for ownership without registration and a license to possess a destructive device. Up to that date, all three guns had been perfectly legal over the counter firearms. These guns were not made illegal by act of Congress, they were “reclassified” by the ruling of an autonomous Federal bureaucracy.

Do I need to remind you that with the stroke of a pen, 5.45x39mm ammunition that was legal to import yesterday is now banned today? There were no public hearings, no vote, no legislation, merely the whim of a government agency.

Like it or not, in the United States of America, the people (the boss) who are supposed to be in charge of the nation have allowed their representatives (the employees) to create autonomous bureaucratic agencies. By creating self-regulating agencies with the power to define and redefine laws, rules, and regulations, the Congress of the United States violated their Constitutional duty as direct representatives of the people.

When you allow a self-regulating agency, that is does not answer directly to the voters, to de facto create law via rulings and redefinition you do not have a Representative Republic. Hell, you don’t even have a democracy as uneducated morons are fond of referring to the USA. In fact, what you have is an Oligarchy where an elite class set themselves above the peasant class. Never forget that the rulings and regulations issued forth by the ATF and other government agencies always exempt the State and members of the state. The rules only apply to the peasantry which is the near textbook definition of tyranny.

Before you dismiss a “minimum weight standard” are ridiculous, ask yourself why it could not happen. The history of the modern United States shows that such behavior by government is actually more likely to occur than not to occur. Keep playing your fantasy games and calling yourself a “reasonable gun owner” and a “sportsman”.  When you wake up and that which you care about has been made illegal via memorandum, you will have no one to blame but yourself.

About the author

Paul G. Markel - Student of the Gun

Paul G. Markel – Student of the Gun

Paul Markel became a United States Marine in 1987. He has been a police officer, professional bodyguard, and Small Arms and Tactics Instructor for the US Military during the Global War on Terror.  Paul is the author of numerous books; to include “Faith and the Patriot”, “The Patriot Fire Team”, “Student of the Gun, a beginner once, a student for life” and “Team Honey Badger”

His work “Patriot Fire Team: Preserving the Republic Four Men at a Time” is available as a signed Paperback and eBook version.

You can gain instant access to a free chapter from the book by clicking here:



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Paul Markel

Founder & President at Student of the Gun
Paul G. Markel has worn many hats during his lifetime. He has been a U.S. Marine, Police Officer, Professional Bodyguard, and Small Arms and Tactics Instructor. Mr. Markel has been writing professionally for law enforcement and firearms periodicals for nearly twenty years with hundreds and hundreds of articles in print. Paul is a regular guest on nationally syndicated radio talk shows and subject matter expert in firearms training and use of force. Mr. Markel has been teaching safe and effective firearms handling to students young and old for decades and has worked actively with the 4-H Shooting Sports program. Paul holds numerous instructor certifications in multiple disciplines and a Bachelor’s degree in conflict resolution; nonetheless, he is and will remain a dedicated Student of the Gun.

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  1. Rusty

    Holly Cow batman, you scared the crap out of me. I’ll take the next hour to compose myself and clean up.

  2. Lee

    Sometimes you have grab someone and shake the shit out of them to wake them up.

    1. JJ

      Actually… it is they that are doing the shaking down.

  3. Doug Knaus

    Well, I thought, I guess I’ll have to start carrying my 1911. And I have an 1897, though it was modified to look like a trench gun. And I’m glad I bought those Garands. Love the BATFE seal. “Nobody is coming for your guns,” except every Democrat. Maybe “Nobody” is the same as Democrat.

    1. WilliamB

      Good one, Doug. Maybe they could have “Nobody” on the BATFE jackets and caps.

  4. Gene

    Great wake up call!
    Everyone needs to share this article.

  5. Vince Warde

    Thankfully, Obama didn’t push things as far as we feared he might. As for ATF, they were soundly put in their place over the m855 armor piercing debacle. Hopefully, we can elect a pro-2nd Amendment president and remove the authority ATF has to make such rules.

  6. Matthew

    Damn you Professor now I have to go take heart medicine.

  7. Gary

    Is it “April Fools Day” already???

  8. Steven S Stajkowski

    This is exactly why we need organization like the NRA. Everyone owning a firearm should be a member of one of these organizations. They have power in congress and actually work for you. Open you wallets and join, get your card and sleep well at night. It’s the ones who do nothing that drag our sport down.

  9. James N. Middleton

    Now, is a good time to consider a NFA-Firearms Trust with Certification, Co-Trustee forms, Bill of Sale, Bank and BATFE instructions.

  10. John

    It is Title II or NFA firearms. There are no such thing as a Class III as that is a dealer specification.

  11. Daniel Wiberg

    While trying to not curse, because this “article” had me fuming by the second paragraph and nearly having a heart attack by the fourth, I am considering suing your asses for not giving a fair warning. Really effed up it is.

    You see I LIVE this shit. What is written above is a clear and present danger to Law Abiding Citizens and we would not be surprised in ANY WAY if someone tried this.

    So who would give them the idea? The NRA???? You just DID!

    What gives a criminal the idea to break the law in a certain way? THE PERSON WHO THINKS IT UP! Prisons are a great place to learn to become a better criminal DUH!!!

    Now I can imagine some sneaky sniveling hand wringing dweezle sitting in the BATFE offices smirking and figuring out how to sell this idea to those in our already overwhelmingly criminal government.

    You more than effectively made your point.

    I am a Veteran like you. I served 22 years until I was force discharged for disability and had to wait 27 years for the VA to finally address the damage caused by living for those 27 years WITH a broken neck, including a dozen misdiagnoses. Today I have a total of 7 fused vertebrae after 17 years of wheelchair living. 17 years of unnecessary life wasting had the VA done as it was supposed to by providing proper medical care. I am now wheel chair free and instead am battling MRSA given to me by the VA during a cancer operation. Yeah quality medical care . . .

    I had planned for decades to go hunting for Mulies or Longhorn and to fish for steelhead. Instead I am relegated to wound care and banging keys on the internet. My dreams were stolen decades ago and just when I thought I could finally realize them, . . . .


  12. JPW

    NOT FUNNY! Indeed, ridiculous and indeed thought it quite possible. These liberty thieves know no boundaries. They keep pushing those of us who believe in what America once was and can be again. However, their time is slowly and painfully coming to an end. We are nearing our own 12/26/1991 moment and we too will buckle under the pressure of control spending and a the complete void of any meaningful leadership. Our elected officials don’t have any understanding Of their fiduciary responsibility to the people. However, they will not escape our wrath when the bottom falls out. Congress knows there is no stopping it. Why do you think there is no sense of urgency at all to address the crushing debt. It’s because they already know how this ends. It will be up to us. Those of us that know the transgressions that took place over the last 240yrs against the Constitution (yes I know, the constitution wasn’t ratified in 1776 so it’s not quite 240yrs…)
    What’s worse is how this deal in Oregon is shaping up. My guy tells me this is not over and the other shoe is about to drop. Something stinks with how that went down and if the Oathkeepers on their website are asking people “not to mobilize” intimates that mobilization must be under way. Stranger things through history have happened and we will have to wait and see whether this was our version of an April 19th 1775 moment, or if it will take something the likes of your fictional account above to light the fuse of this powder keg we are perched on top of. I fear for my children’s future in this current version of America, but if their future is to be one without liberty than let’s stop blowing the fuse out, deal with what must be dealt with and start putting this experiment in Liberty back together again.

  13. Anderson

    You had me going there, which proves your point quite well…

  14. Matt

    Thanks! Now you’ve given the turds at ATF another idea how to screw us! You know that they read these blogs!

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