Whether you live or die as a result of a wilderness survival situation is completely dependent upon your mindset. Are you willing to do anything and…

Whether you live or die as a result of a wilderness survival situation is completely dependent upon your mindset. Are you willing to do anything and…
Not every problem you encounter in the field or woods is a matter of life and death. Some issues are simply annoying and bothersome. Take, for instance…
I have a challenge for you. Gather your spouse and kids together outside and ask them individually to point to the North. Ask them which direction the sun rises and in which it sets. Wait for a clear and star-filled night, now ask them all to find the North Star. Basic land navigation or “orienteering” is not rocket surgery. Anyone with the desire can learn to navigate with a map and a compass.
While many wilderness survival situations begin with a person or people getting lost, there have been numerous incidents where someone is injured and that injury prevents them from returning to safety.
Let us continue with our wilderness survival discussion. This time we are going to consider the dangers of exposure, exposure to extreme temperatures from both end of the spectrum.
Continuing our series on wilderness survival, no one ever plans to get lost or to be injured and stranded in the woods. Just as we don’t wear our seat belt because we “plan” to be in a crash, and we don’t have a fire extinguisher in our kitchen because we “plan” to have a fire.
Welcome to the first in a series of short articles dealing with the subject of wilderness survival. Every year thousands upon thousands of Americans step off…