Tag Archives: Trauma Training

Killing With No Regard to Healing. Are Your Priorities Backwards?

Killing With No Regard to Healing. Are Your Priorities Backwards?

Take note of the date and time. Check your clocks and your calendar. Write it down if you have to, I’m about to admit an error on my part. That’s right, my judgment was clouded. I mistakenly thought that when addressing the matter of traumatic first aid, life-saving measures used to stop-gap a potentially terminal injury that “the choir” would understand. I’m not speaking about the sheep. Sheep are by nature just that, sheep. They are subservient and rely on something other than themselves for protection and salvation. Sheep are happy in their helplessness. Target Audience I am speaking of gun owners, those who look at firearms as a tool potentially used to save their lives. I’m talking about men…

The Tourniquet Boogeyman

The Tourniquet Boogeyman

During the Cold War Era with few exceptions, the powers that be were more concerned with winning the next conflict with B-52 bombers and nuclear-powered submarines than infantry troops. Ground troops were considered an ancillary component to warfare, not the prime focus. As such the budgets for training and gear were sparse at best. Live-fire was limited and combat focused training was rather stagnant. When I attended USMC Infantry School our first aid training mirrored that of the Red Cross civilian program and while battlefield trauma was talked about, little emphasis was put on self-aid and buddy-aid. The primary care giver on the battlefield was the Navy Corpsman and your first aid kit was carried merely to give the Corpsman…