Gun Owners for Obama, the “Responsible” People are Speaking Up

Gun Owners for Obama, the “Responsible” People are Speaking Up

“I’m a gun owner from Virginia and I thank President Obama for standing up to the NRA and standing with responsible Americans.” -Scott, Virginia   (*Editors Note: the following was originally published in 2014 but the topic is once again very timely) As lawful American citizens gear up for another round of attacks from those who wish to disarm them, we are again beset with the task of defending something that in a sane world would not need to be defended. The question before all lawful citizens and true American patriots is what is required of us? Or what should we do? As a part of my daily routine, I rise early, brew coffee, let the black lab out to…

Call to Action: Stand Up for the Marine Corps

Call to Action: Stand Up for the Marine Corps

The Secretary of the Navy, Ray Mabus, an Obama appointee with ties to the Clinton presidency has decided the time to screw with the Marine Corps is now.  A January 1, 2016 memo from Mabus to Commandant of the Marine Corps Robert Neller instructed the Corps to begin “gender integration of officer and enlisted training”. Apparently Mabus does not understand or care that the Marine Corps knows perfectly well how to train the finest fighting force on planet Earth. The United States Marine Corps does not require or desire the advice of a political appointee, particularly one from the galactic embarrassment that is the Obama Regime. As the calendar counts down to 2017 it is all to obvious to anyone…

Oregon Militia, Bundy Ranch, BLM and the Long Train of Abuses and Usurpations

Oregon Militia, Bundy Ranch, BLM and the Long Train of Abuses and Usurpations

…that mankind are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. Understanding that many of you attended public school during the last twenty years and either ignored or glossed over the founding period of the United States of America, the above quote is from the Declaration of Independence, approved and signed on July 4, 1776. In January of 2016, every United States citizen should take a moment to consider whether or not the words written on that parchment over two hundred years ago were a quaint comment on that time in history or whether or not they applied to all men and women regardless of the date…

Open Letter to James Hatch and the USA Today Editorial Staff, Re: Good Guy with a Gun Myth

Open Letter to James Hatch and the USA Today Editorial Staff, Re: Good Guy with a Gun Myth

Mr. Hatch, Having just finished reading your editorial in the Dec. 11 2015 issue of USA Today (online) entitled “The Good Guy with a Gun Myth”  I was obliged to respond. Not a fan of the American Pravda, I became aware via a friend’s social media post. I felt that as I am also a veteran of the United States Military (Parris Island Class of ’87) I should respond to the assertions you offered on behalf of the “guns are not the answer” crowd. In your opening paragraph you grab the readers’ attention by referring to the “slaughter” of 14 innocent Americans in San Bernardino, California, by “two people armed with high-powered rifles and handguns”. I’m going to assume that…

You Cannot “Stand with France” but, Here is What you Can Do.

You Cannot “Stand with France” but, Here is What you Can Do.

At this very moment in time, United States citizens have been blessed by providence with the opportunity to make a choice. You can choose to prepare your mind and body for the eventual battle with the cult of death or you can choose to simply ignore the mountain of evidence to the contrary and sing a happy tune until the blade is put to your neck.

Deadly Harvest: Reaping the Bloody Fruit of the Class Warfare

Deadly Harvest: Reaping the Bloody Fruit of the Class Warfare

The tactic of pitting one class or group of people against another for political gain is nothing new in the United States of America. The Democrat Party may as well list “Prolonged Class Warfare” as an official policy plank at their convention in 2016. Class warfare, as ugly and dirty as it is, has normally had as its goal the siphoning of votes away from one candidate to another. The traditional goal of the victimization campaign is to convince one group of people that they are the perpetual victims of “unfairness” on the part of another group. Naturally, the politician, and their party as a whole, set themselves up as the salvation of the victim group and thereby ensuring their support…

WDBJ Roanoke Double-Homicide and the Perfect Victim

WDBJ Roanoke Double-Homicide and the Perfect Victim

(*CAUTION: Those with an inability to be intellectually honest or who have been infected with cognitive dissonance may not be able to handle that which is written below. You have been warned.) First and foremost, this horrific criminal act was committed by a deranged piece of human filth. The creature was a verminous reprobate who does not deserve nor will he receive name recognition here. The subject, we’ll call him “Excrement”, premeditated the attack and was apparently consumed with anger, self-pity, and fully immersed in the victim culture. Excrement went so far as to write a rambling manifesto of sorts, detailing his angst and feeling of victimization. Within 24 hours the entire nation, at least those who cared to know, had enough…