“Aside from the movies and TV, dry fire instills more bad habits than any other activity.” Such was the comment of the owner of one of the nation’s top…
Tag Archives: concealed carry
My First Gun: 5 Simple Steps to Making your First Gun Purchase a Success
Picking your first gun can be a daunting task. By the time you reach the gun store counter you’ve likely been given more advice from friends and family…
Morning Mindset 033 – Are you playing at self defense?
How to Survive your CCW Class Without Being Shot
The question we should ask is, what can we or should we as members of the gun culture do differently in the aftermath of such an incident? Or, are we the clinical definition of insane, doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different outcome?
Home Invasion: Where Should you Secure your Firearm?
A nanny cam recorded the vicious and brutal attack including the screams of the terrified woman. Her daughter sat frozen in fear as her mother was pummel, choked and slammed around the house.
Confessions of a .40 (Cal) Lover
I felt like Ralphie must have when he got the Daisy Red Ryder BB gun. I was proud of my gun and I was not shy about telling folks about it. It was beautiful. I opened the black plastic container and there it was, a Glock 23 chambered in .40 Smith&Wesson. (Glock does not like to advertise for their competition so the actual packaging read “.40SW”) The calendar and the blowing drifts of snow in Northeast Ohio indicated that it was December, more specifically Christmas of 1993. My new bride had just presented me with my gift. Although the official Glock timeline states that production of the Glock 22 and 23 began at their South American plant in 1990, the…