Mr. Hatch, Having just finished reading your editorial in the Dec. 11 2015 issue of USA Today (online) entitled “The Good Guy with a Gun Myth” I was obliged to respond. Not a fan of the American Pravda, I became aware via a friend’s social media post. I felt that as I am also a veteran of the United States Military (Parris Island Class of ’87) I should respond to the assertions you offered on behalf of the “guns are not the answer” crowd. In your opening paragraph you grab the readers’ attention by referring to the “slaughter” of 14 innocent Americans in San Bernardino, California, by “two people armed with high-powered rifles and handguns”. I’m going to assume that…
Tag Archives: concealed carry
WDBJ Roanoke Double-Homicide and the Perfect Victim
(*CAUTION: Those with an inability to be intellectually honest or who have been infected with cognitive dissonance may not be able to handle that which is written below. You have been warned.) First and foremost, this horrific criminal act was committed by a deranged piece of human filth. The creature was a verminous reprobate who does not deserve nor will he receive name recognition here. The subject, we’ll call him “Excrement”, premeditated the attack and was apparently consumed with anger, self-pity, and fully immersed in the victim culture. Excrement went so far as to write a rambling manifesto of sorts, detailing his angst and feeling of victimization. Within 24 hours the entire nation, at least those who cared to know, had enough…
Being a “Gun Owner” is Not Enough
The implication of the report was that we right-wing, conservative types need to be “inclusive” and recognize that left-wing, Democrat voters are gun owners as well. My response is, as Col. Sherman Potter used to say, “Horse Hockey!”
3 Things Your Concealed Carry Gun Cannot Do
Recently, we at Student of the Gun addressed the subject of going armed to the zoo, or anywhere else for that matter. With a very quick, easy to follow video we pointed out how a person can be very well-armed, but do so discreetly, even when wearing just a T-shirt and a pair of cargo shorts. All it really takes is a bit of forethought. We pointed out that, as we have been preaching for decades, an armed citizen needs more than merely a firearm to be prepared for the unexpected eventualities the world throws at us. When you step out of your front door, you have control over your actions, but no control over the actions of those you…
Hey Gun Culture; Your Priorities Suck and Here is Why
For as long as I have been paying attention to the gun culture, better than thirty years now, gun rags have been promoting the “versus” technique to sell magazines.