“Aside from the movies and TV, dry fire instills more bad habits than any other activity.” Such was the comment of the owner of one of the nation’s top…
Tag Archives: Firearms Training
Tactical Masturbation: Top 3 Stupid Human Tricks
Though you may not have put a name on it, we have all witnessed tactical masturbation. Like the more traditional form of self-gratification, tactical…
Urban Defense Course; more than just Marksmanship
Think about that for a moment. When is the last time you attended a firearms training program that encouraged you to problem solve or think as opposed to simply performing as are told or reacting to a predetermined stimulus. In the real world there will be no line coach or instructor to tell you when to start or stop firing your gun.
The Test: Do you have the right stuff to be a “Gun Expert?
The modern era could legitimately be described as the “Age of the Expert”. Thanks to the Internet, 100,000 self-proclaimed experts have arisen in all fields of endeavor. The television news channels trot out “experts” to fill time in their reports and bolster the opinions of the talking heads. Recently, I was on the phone with a peer in the training world and we discussed the concern we both shared regarding the danger of new gun owners or gun carriers getting online advice from “gun enthusiasts.” Before we progress. I have a confession to make, I am a vagina enthusiast. I have been my whole life. That being said, you won’t find me at the local clinic asking women to…