Original S.O.E Gear Story Time With John Willis and Ben “Mookie” Thomas Part 1

This video contains adult language. If you are not an adult, do not watch it.

John Willis of Original S.O.E. Gear and Ben “Mookie” Thomas sit down with Student of the Gun at the S.O.E Headquarters in Camden, Tennessee. John and Ben give us some behind the scenes information on the Mookie War Rig and some other gear from S.O.E. A huge thanks to John and Ben for taking the time out of their busy days to sit down in front of the camera and talk to us.

After you watch this video, click here to watch part 2 and then click here to watch part 3

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Jarrad Markel

Chief Operating Officer at Student of the Gun

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  1. Zach

    An awesome video with insight from a guy that used the gear to its fullest extant . Thanks for sharing .

  2. TNJR

    Great stuff from some of my favorite no bullshit give it like it is kats on the planet. Dig it. TNJR

  3. Robert Neff

    Thanks guys. Those videos were awesome.

    1. Danny

      Thank you for your service guys!!!!!
      Thanks for the vids!!!

  4. WUA

    By coincidence I just saw a youtube yesterday where Jim Davis describes how he got re-started after his “vacation” with the unconditional help of J. Yeager. The TR Team & SOTG are obviously cut from the same mold…….True Patriots. This video was heartwarming and hilarious. Great story telling by these guys, thanks for sharing it. Going to watch Hurt Locker again to pick up on the gear!

    1. WUA

      Dang, need an edit option….I meant John Willis (S.O.E), not Jim Davis.
      Anyway, great video:)

  5. Pingback: Insider Information about Original S.O.E Gear from John Willis and Ben “Mookie” Thomas - SOTG BLOG | SOTG BLOG

    1. Scott "aka Dr. Oz" Oslund

      After about the 10th F-bomb in less than 30 seconds, I was done. Willis is such a classless act. Yes, he makes great gear. Big deal. And yes, I own some of his stuff. However, I find him so banal (I’ll bet Professor Paul knows the definition of this word). I just find it such a turn off when people have to resort to vulgarity because they aren’t smart enough (probably went to public school!) to use other adjectives, adverbs, nouns, etc. So, they just stick with the F-bombs and conjugate accordingly. Yawn. C’mon Paul, you can do better than this.

  6. Robert Desrosiers

    These guys are what it is all about. I dont care if you are talking politics, retail, civil service, what ever walk of life, these guys served and stilll serve their country by producing their product and offer citizens a place of employment here in the states and are commited to what they do and stand for.
    In response to anothers comment further in, do these men come across as crude and lewd, yeh so what! I was never in the armed forces but was a firefighter and it is the same there as in LE as it is in the military, “maybe in a perfect world” but none the less they are all protecting our lives, so suck it up! I am sure these men know how to conduct themselves appropriately in the approriate situation, so please give them the respect they deserve.

  7. Pingback: [Part 3] Insider Information about Original S.O.E. Gear from John Willis and Ben "Mookie" Thomas | SOTG BLOG

  8. Pingback: Special Operations Equipment Combat Cock Origin | SOTG BLOG

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