2016 Presidential Campaign: Searching for a Savior

2016 Presidential Campaign: Searching for a Savior

Professor Paul originally published the following article on The Blaze: “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.” – King Solomon, Book of Ecclesiastes. We Americans find ourselves, yet again, playing a game repeated once every four years. As we look out at the landscape and consider the stable of potential candidates for the highest office in the land, we desperately search for a savior. Not an ecclesiastical savior, no, instead we sort through a short list of politicians and hope upon hope that we can choose one that will be the nation’s savior. Along partisan lines, Democrats and Republicans attempt to choose the savior for their…

Saving Detroit?

Saving Detroit?

Detroit: The Crime Scene The Dodge pickup truck rolled west on Eight Mile Road, unofficially the line of demarcation separating the former East Detroit, now East Pointe, from the incorporated war zone know as Detroit, Michigan. At Gratiot Avenue we had to make a “Michigan left turn”, that is we turned right onto Gratiot then merged to the left and made a legal U-turn through the dividing median. With the skyline of downtown Detroit on the southern horizon, the four-door silver Dodge eased cautiously into occupied territory. Only half-joking I asked if they had set up check points yet to restrict access in and…

Saving Detroit?

Saving Detroit?

The Crime Scene The Dodge pickup truck rolled west on Eight Mile Road, unofficially the line of demarcation separating the former East Detroit, now East Pointe, from the incorporated war zone know as Detroit, Michigan. At Gratiot Avenue we had to make a “Michigan left turn”, that is we turned right onto Gratiot then merged to the left and made a legal U-turn through the dividing median. With the skyline of downtown Detroit on the southern horizon, the four-door silver Dodge eased cautiously into occupied territory. Only half-joking I asked if they had set up check points yet to restrict access in and out of the city. Gratiot Avenue is the main surface road leading people from downtown Detroit to…

Sony Pictures Entertainment’s ‘The Interview’ Still Has Chance but Needs Your Help

Sony Pictures Entertainment’s ‘The Interview’ Still Has Chance but Needs Your Help

American media is now being censored by North Korea. Contrary to popular belief, you CAN do something about it. I am going to tell you exactly what you can do and how you can do it, but first, let’s analyze why we are even having this conversation (you can join this conversation by leaving a comment below this article). The Origin I had the opportunity of speaking with a group of very intelligent individuals this past week. We got on the subject of Sony and The Interview. I have seen zero articles cover this information about Sony Pictures Entertainment. It is important information and you will see why. Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE), based in California, is a subsidiary of Sony Entertainment…

What is the Color of Stupid?

What is the Color of Stupid?

“Never let a serious crisis go to waste,” is a quote attributed the current boss of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel. In the progressive Statist world we could modify that statement to “Never let a tragedy or crime fail to become a crisis.” We have seen it play out time and again, a piece of human debris goes on a killing spree and the immediate reaction of the Progressive Statist is to pass more legislation.  “There ought to be a law!” is the rallying cry. Never mind the fact murder and felonious assault are already illegal. We need more laws to keep us safe. At no time do the big government types or their sycophants in the media point to the human…